Nationally, Chi Omega supports the Make-A-Wish Foundation, a philanthropy that all Chi Omega chapters share. The Make-A-Wish foundation grants the wishes of children with life threatening medical conditions, allowing magic to happen in the lives of these children and their families. Through the experiences granted by Make-A-Wish, our aim is to make a difference and enhance the lives of children and families as they fight these illnesses together. Our chapter, Epsilon Kappa, primarily raises money for Make-A-Wish through our Pie in the Face Event which we hold every Spring.
Pie in the Face
Each Spring semester Epsilon Kappa Chi Omega holds our annual Pie in the Face event. Members of our chapter alongside members of the St. Lawrence community set an amount that must be raised for them to be pied in the face. We raise money throughout the week in Dana and the student center, and on Friday host the event on the first floor of the student center. This event is so fun and it is a great way for Chi Omega to raise money while simultaneously bringing awareness of Make A Wish to the St. Lawrence community. Watch the video below to see some highlights from our Spring 2019 Pie in the Face event.

Local Philanthropy
Throughout the year, Epsilon Kappa volunteers at as many events as possible, encouraging our members to help out in any way they can. St. Lawrence's Panhellenic allows us to help out at Peter Rabbit in the Park, and Winter Carnival. At both these events each of the fraternities plans activities where the local kids from the community can come, play, and have fun! Additionally, our members often attend Make A Difference Day, St. Baldricks, the Into the Darkness, Walk, Relay for Life, and Habitat For Humanity.