The Ladies of EK
Chi Omega is the largest woman's collegiate fraternal organization in the world with over 300,000 initiated members.
Each of our pledge classes are made up of smart, caring, creative leaders who have created a special bond with the chapter, the Greek community as a whole and of course, each other. Take a look at our member lists below, and keep browsing through the rest of our site to learn more about who we are and what we stand for.
We take pride in our growing family and look forward to welcoming new members each recruitment period!

Class of 2021
Sarah Abeling
Emily Anderson
Lexi Barile
Samantha DelMartino
Alix DiOrio
Patricia Faucher
Emma Griffith
Aimee Hebert
Valeria Hernandez
Carolyn Holran
Erin Jank
Jayden Ladison
McKailey Lyndaker
Jamie Pashby-Rockwood
Mackenzie Russ
Amara Secor
Katie Sidford
Hayley Snodgrass
Sabrina Strack
Ruby Van Zanten
Iris Walter
Gretchen Wambach
Sarina Wilson
Martha Wright

Class of 2022
Sofia Adams
Lauryn Best
Margaret Dener
Maggie Farrell
Caroline Green
Katie Hamlin
Ayana Hartley
Nicole Jusko
Sadie Lingelbach- Pierce
Emily Lynn
Kaleigh Mckillip
Amelia Pape
Hannah Porter
Delaney Smith